This document is not up-to-date, please refer to the Japanese document.

Share InfoMotion

If you want to use InfoMotion's dashboard in another application or view, you can do so by using InfoMotion's sharing capabilities.

The sharing InfoMotion function displays HTML which allows you to embed the dashboard in another application or view.

A dashboard must first be rendered in order to use the share functionality.

The share icon at the top of the dashboard shares all graphs displayed. The share icon at the top of each graph shares only the single graph.

Dashboard View

When the Share icon is clicked, the Share Dashboard dialog is displayed with HTML. Click "Copy to clipboard" to copy the HTML to the clipboard.

Dashboard View


  • Filter is not displayed in the shared HTML.
  • If you share HTML with a filter set, the HTML for sharing will be output with the filter set.

※ For more information about the filter feature, see Example of Filter on the InfoMotion dashboard page.

InfoMotion scripts

The InfoMotion source code gives developers a little more freedom in customizing or altering the behaviour of their Dashboards.

infomotion and infomotionUI script tags are needed to use infomotion.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Settings for graph component

Settings is composed of three parts.

  • cache - default is blackhole which does not cache any data
  • dateRange - set the initial start and end date
  • options - paths of plugins/infomotions
var settings = {



A graphContext binds graphs and components.

Before we crate graphs and componets we need to set up a graphContext.

var graphContext = infomotion.graphContext(settings)


  • withRange - start and end date
  • make - creates a date picker
var datePicker = infomotionUI


var timeline = infomotionUI


var liveButton = infomotionUI

Binding components to graphContext

When all components are ready they can be bound to graphContext.


Graph settings

graph settings is made up of 3 components.

  • adapter - type of datasource adaptor.
  • graph - settings for the InfoMotion.
  • options - plugin paths
var settingGraph = {


Binding an InfoMotion to a div

var graph1 = infomotionUI.graph(document.querySelector('#graph'), settingGraph)

Adding and displaying graphs to graphContext


Removing graphs from graphContext


Setting filters

    key: 'category',
    values: ['A', 'B']

Example shared html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

            .container {
              padding-right: 15px;
              padding-left: 15px;
              margin-right: auto;
              margin-left: auto;

            .graph-date-picker {
              text-align: right;

            .hover-bg-gradient:hover, .hover-bg-gradient:focus {
              background-color: #313131;

            .hover-bg-gradient {
              background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(81, 81, 81, 0) 0%, #000 100%);
              background-color: #515151;

            .bg-gradient {
                background: linear-gradient(-10deg, #515151 0%, #000 100%);

            .btn-dashboard-primary {
                color: #ffffff;
                font-weight: 300;
                transition: background-color .2s ease-in;
                transition-property: background-color,color;

            .enebular-datepicker {
                border-radius: 1px;
                border: 1px solid #F2F3F4;
                color: #646e6f;
                font-weight: 300;
                padding: 12px 17px;
                width: 50%;

            .graph-date-picker #datePicker {
                padding: 8px 0 8px 8px;
                width: 100%

            .infomotion-timeline {
                margin-top: 60px;

            .action-control-wrapper {
                width: 70px;
                float: left;

            .timeline-wrapper {
                width: calc(100% - 70px);
                float: left;
                padding-top: 15px;
                padding-right: 15px;

            .control-live {
                float: left;
                width: 60px;
                margin-top: 62px;

            .control-timeline {
                width: calc(100% - 60px);
                float: left;

            .infomotion-graph-0 {
                    transform: translate(10px, 10px);
                    width: 532px;
                    height: 410px;
                    position: absolute;
.infomotion-graph-1 {
                    transform: translate(552px, 10px);
                    width: 532px;
                    height: 410px;
                    position: absolute;

            @media (max-width: 768px) {
              .infomotion-graph {
                width: 100%;
                transform: none;
                position: inherit;
                padding-bottom: 10px;
            @media (min-width: 768px) {
              .container {
                width: 750px;

            @media (min-width: 992px) {
              .container {
                width: 970px;
            @media (min-width: 1200px) {
              .container {
                width: 1170px;


<div class="container">

  <div class="graph-date-picker">

    <input id="enebularDatePicker" class="enebular-datepicker" type="date">


  <div class="enebular-clear-both"></div>

  <div class="control-live">

    <button id="btnLive" class="enebular-btn">

      <i class="fa fa-bolt fa-lg"></i>



  <div class="control-timeline">

    <div class="infomotion-timeline">

      <div class="action-control-wrapper">

        <button id="btnControl" class="enebular-btn enebular-btn-control bg-gradient hover-bg-gradient">

          <i class="fa fa-play"></i>



      <div class="timeline-wrapper" id="timeline"></div>

      <div class="enebular-clear-both"></div>



  <div class="enebular-clear-both"></div>

  <div class="infomotion-graph infomotion-graph-0" id="graph0"></div>

  <div class="infomotion-graph infomotion-graph-1" id="graph1"></div>

  <div class="enebular-clear-both"></div>


            var settings = {
               "dateRange":[new Date(1554118192026), new Date(1554377392026)],

            var graphContext = infomotion.graphContext(settings);

            var datePicker = infomotionUI.datePicker(document.querySelector('#enebularDatePicker'))

            var timeline = infomotionUI.timeline(

            var liveButton = infomotionUI.liveButton(document.querySelector('#btnLive'))


            var settingGraph0 = {


                var settingGraph1 = {


                var graph0 = infomotionUI.graph(document.querySelector('#graph0'), settingGraph0);

                var graph1 = infomotionUI.graph(document.querySelector('#graph1'), settingGraph1);


results matching ""

    No results matching ""