2.23.0 (April 3rd, 2020)


  • A function has been added to control the access to Projects based on the client IP addresses. For details, please refer to the documentation on IP Access Control.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Web Flow Editor from functioning properly under Google Chrome version 80 and later.
  • Fixed an issue that caused fail to deploy a flow from Web Flow Editor if there were too many Web Flow Editor users simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue on error handling which was causing to fail to import/export Assets.


  • Changes are made so that Devices and Details page will indicate the flow name and the flow version when a flow is deployed from enebular editor in Remote Mode.
  • Changes are made to show Project types(Enterprise/Free) and IP Access Control status(Enabled/Disabled) due to the introduction of the new IP Access Control funciton.

Known Issues

  • The Filter function cannot be used on shared pages with InfoMotion embedded.
  • Clicking on the enebular logo from the "Contact" page causes the top page to be shown in the web browser's default language instead of the original "Contact" page language.

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