2.5.3 (November 9th, 2018)


  • A Data Source "random adapter" is added as an selection in InfoMotion sidebar.


  • Fixed the issue that caused the date picker on InfoMotion dashboard to become blank by double clicking it causing it unable to use as the result.
  • Fixed the issue that caused the deploy-to-heroku attempt to fail because the default version of Node.js on Heroku was updated to 10 by specifying the Node.js version to 8.12 when enebular deploys a flow to Heroku.


  • The filter function of the InfoMotion dashboard has been automated, and we have eliminated the "Filter" button from the InfoMotion dashboard. The users now can control the scope of each graph solely by manipulating on the filter on the graph itself.
  • A modification was made so that 1 sample data source would appear in InfoMotion Sidebar if a Data Source was selected.
  • Corrections were made to some UI expressions to be more intuitive.
    • InfoMotion dashboard has been modified to avoid attempting to add the same graph two.
    • On InfoMotion Sidebar, "Create Graph" and "Update Graph" buttons are renamed to "Save".

Known Issues

  • Opening the flow editor from a web browser shows Japanese texts even if the browser is configured to show English.
  • The shared page with InfoMotion embedded, the filter function can not be used.

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