2.5.1 (October 12th, 2018)




  • Credential information and Connection information of the Flows stored in the database inside enebular have been encrypted.
  • Fixed the issue which prevented filters in InfoMotion page from functioning.
  • License Manager shows an error message when the user attempts to reserve a license using misconfigured connection. The issue that caused this error message to remain even after closing and reopening the form has been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue which caused enebular to show error messages after the user transfers the project's ownership to a different user instead of going back to the dashboard.
  • Fixed the issue which caused the project to remain in the user's project list in the dashboard even after its owner excluded him/her from the project.
  • Fixed the issue which required the user to refresh the dashboard in order to see the changes made to the assets' access privileges.
  • A modification was made to show the English version of the Privacy Policy when the user opens the sign-in page with a browser configured English as its primary language.



Known Issues

  • Opening the flow editor from a web browser shows Japanese texts even if the browser is configured to show English
  • The shared page with InfoMotion embedded, the filter function can not be used

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