This document is not up-to-date, please refer to the Japanese document.

InfoType API

plugin.js created by infomotion-tool has a set of apis. addData, clearData, resize and getEl.


addData is called when date range is selected or timeline is toggled.

  • Parameter: data

The data passed is based on the daterange or toggled dates/time.


When date range is selected, timeline is toggled or live mode is activted clearData is called.

  • Parameter: N/A


When the browser window changes size resize is called.

  • Parameter: option.width, option.height


Returns the dom

  • Parameter: N/A

InfoType settings modal

To make infotypes flexable to different data sets a settings schema is needed. There are 4 types

  • text
  • list
  • select
  • bool.

An InfoType has a Schema and a default settings.


A basic key/value input setting.

* Schema 

  "type": "text",
  "name": "tag"

* Default
  "tag" : "tag-name"


A list of key/value input settings.

* Schema
  "type": "list",
  "name": "list-of-tags",
  "help": "Set name of each tag",
  "children": [{
    "type": "text",
    "name": "tag"

* Default


A select option setting.

* Schema
  "type": "select",
  "name": "mode",
  "help": "please select a mode",
  "options": ["mode1", "mode2"]

* Default


An on/off switch.

* Schema
  "type" : "bool",
  "name" : "switch",
  "help" : "turning on will display something"

* Default
  "switch": true

results matching ""

    No results matching ""