This document is not up-to-date, please refer to the Japanese document.

Load the flow from the command line

enebular editor can load the flow directly from the command line.

There are following command line arguments.

Argument Required/Optional Description
--flow_id Required id of the flow to load into enebular editor
--email Optional email of the account registered in enebular
--password Optional password of the account registered in enebular


  • account registered in enebular;
  • access to the flow.
  • enebular editor installation path {enebular editor path};
    • The installation path differs depending on the OS. Here is an example of the installation path.


"C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Programs\enebular-editor\enebular editor.exe"


/Applications/enebular\\ editor




Obtaining the flow_id

To obtain the flow_id follow the steps below:

  1. Login to enebular.
  2. Open the project containing the flow.
  3. Select the flow.
  4. After Overview is displayed, check the address bar of your browser.
  5. The string after is the flow_id, so copy the flow_id.

Opening enebular editor from the command line

Top open enebular editor from the command line follow the steps below:

  1. Start the command line on your PC.
  2. Copping the command below、enter {enebular editor path}、{flow_id}、{email} 、{password}, and then press Enter to run enebular editor.
{enebular editor path} --flow_id={flow_id} --email={email} --password={password}

Examples of commands for each OS are shown below:


"C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Programs\enebular-editor\enebular editor.exe" --flow_id=12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef [email protected] --password=password


/Applications/enebular\\ editor --flow_id=12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef [email protected] --password=password


~/Applications/enebular-editor/AppRun.AppImage --flow_id=12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef [email protected] --password=password


  • The ability to open a flow from the command line is available in enebular editor v1.2.0 and later.
  • If you are already logged in to enebular editor, you can omit the email and password command line arguments.
  • If you specify a wrong flow_id or a flow_id of the flow that you do not have access, an error notification will be displayed and the enebular editor dashboard will be opened.
  • If you specify a flow_id of the flow that you do not have Edit permissions, an error notification will be displayed and the enebular editor dashboard will be opened.
  • If are you not logged in to enebular and email and password are not specified, an error notification will be displayed and the enebular editor dashboard will be opened.
  • If a command line argument other than the specified one is entered, no notification will be displayed and enebular editor will load as usual.
  • If no command line arguments are specified, enebular editor will load as usual.

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