This document is not up-to-date, please refer to the Japanese document.
By publishing Assets to Discover, they can be used by other users.
Users can search for Assets they want to use in Discover. Once such an Asset is found, it can be imported into and used in a project.
※ Assets published to Discover can be viewed by users who have not signed in.
The following 3 types of Assets can be published in Discover:
- Flows (Blue Cards)
- Infotypes (Yellow Cards)
- Private Nodes (Pink Cards)
- Private Nodes are both free and paid. They are labled
Free for Enterprise / Paid for Enterprise
- Private Nodes are both free and paid. They are labled
Private Nodes can only be used in Enterprise Plan projects.
Click Discover
at the top of the enebular screen to display the Discover screen.
Searching for Assets registered in Discover
Search, Filter and Sort functions can be use to find assets in Discover.
Entering text in the Entry Form at the top of the Discover screen will display a pull-down menu with the types of search items that can be selected. Title, Description, Publisher and Tag can be selected.
When one of the items from the pull-down menu is selected, only Assets of that type will be displayed in the search of the text entered in the search form. The entered text and the selected search items will be displayed as search criteria under the search form.
To add search criteria, repeat entering text in the search form and selecting a type from the pull-down menu.
To clear search criteria, clicking on the X by the search criterion displayed under the search form will delete it.
It is possible to filter Assets by Asset Type and by Assets that display classification by Free/Paid. Click on the Asset type (Flow/Info Type/Private Node) at the top of the Discover screen, when the status has been changed to a specific Asset Type that has been selected (the background is black), only that type of Asset will be displayed. It is also possible to select Multiple Asset Types. Clicking All will display all types of assets.
The procedure for Free/Paid classification is the same. Click on Free/Paid at the top of the screen, when the status has been changed to one of those classifications, only Assets of that type will be displayed.
It is possible to sort the order in which items appear in the Discover screen. The following are the 3 types of sorts available.
- Publish Date Sorts by the date on which the Asset was published.
- Update Date Sorts by the date on which the Asset was updated. Update means an update to the Publish or the Published Asset.
- Download Count Sorts by the number of Projects an Asset has been imported into.
To sort, click on Publish date/Update date/Download count at the top of the Discover screen. If sort is available, a ^ or v will appear at the right of the button. ^ represents descending order, v ascending order. When sort is available, subsequently clicking the button toggles back and forth between ascending and descending sort order.
Importing Assets from Discover into a Project
Process for importing an Asset into a Project.
- Sign in to
- Open the Discover Screen.
- Click on the Asset, the Asset's information is displayed.
- Press the
Button on the right. - Select the default permission of the Project into which the Asset is to be imported.
- Click the
The above process applies to using Flows, Infotypes and Free Private Nodes in Projects.
A Contract with Uhuru is required to use Paid Private Nodes. Using the above process with Paid Private Nodes will result in contact to the User by Uhuru to start the contract process. Once the contract between Uhuru and the User is finalized, Paid Private Nodes can be used in Projects.
Publishing Assets to Discover
Process for Publishing
Displaying the process for Publishing.
- Display the Overview Screen for the Asset to be Published.
- Click the
Button - Enter the required information into the pop-up dialog box.
- For Flows/Infotypes, enter Name, Destription and Category.
- For Private Nodes, enter Name, Description and Publish Type (Paid/Free).
- For how to enter a Description, please refer to Entering a Description.
- See Input Description for how to input Description.
- Press the Publish button at the bottom of the dialog box. Using the above operation, Flows, Infotypes and Free Private Nodes will be published to Discover.
A Contract with Uhuru is required to publish Paid Private Nodes. Using the above process with Paid Private Nodes will result in contact to the User by Uhuru to start the contract process. Once the contract is finalized, Paid Private Nodes can be published to Discover.
Entering a Description
Description is a description of the Asset to be Published. The dialog box that pops-up after the Publish button is clicked is where to enter the Description in Markdown. On the right side above the Description area are edit, templates and preview tabs and an i button. Below is an explanation of those tabs and button.
- edit tab
- This is where to enter the contents of the Description in Markdown.
- templates tab
- The template where the Heading of the contents that must be entered is recorded can be selected. The types of templates are below.
- Free Assets - Japanese
- Free Assets - English
- Paid Assets - Japanese
- Paid Assets - English
- Please select the template according to the type of Asset to be Published. Pressing the
button goes to the very bottom of the Description entry area where the contents of the template can be added.
- The template where the Heading of the contents that must be entered is recorded can be selected. The types of templates are below.
- preview tab
- Previews the Markdown entered in the edit tab. Confirm that the information is displayed as intended.
- i button
- Shows an example of Markdown notation. Refer here if the user doesn't know how to use Markdown notation.
Example of Markdown notation
Displaying Examples of the Markdown Notation for entering in Description as follows:
What you want to display | How to write it |
Heading 1 | # Heading 1 |
Heading 2 | ## Heading 2 |
Italic | *Italic* |
Bold | **Bold** |
Link | [Link](URL) |
Image file |  |
List | * List * List * List |
Numbered list | 1. One 2. Two 3. Three |
Horizontal Rule | --- |
Blockquote | > Blockquote |
Inline code | `Inline code` |
Code block | ``` let c = 1; console.log("count: " + c); ``` |