2.2.0 (May 23rd, 2018)


  • InfoMotion now supports two more new data source types: Pubnub and Firebase.
  • "deploy to Lambda" instructions are included to the English manual.
  • Added descriptions for the paid features in our Japanese manual.
  • The internal database management system is now made redundant for an improved reliability.
  • Paid enebular-edge-agents are now automatically activated when they are connected through Mbed cloud.
  • Flows are shown graphically on enebular when they are saved to its temporary space.
  • Added "asset search bar" to the dashboard of enebular.
  • Logs from enebular-edge-agent can now be displayed on enebular.


  • English documentation of Enebular Dashboard now contains screen shots in English (Previously displaying screen shots in Japanese).
  • Flows are shown graphically on enebular when they are saved to its temporary space.

Known Issues

  • Opening the flow editor from a web browser shows Japanese texts even if the browser is configured to show English.
  • InfoMotion-embedded pages fail to show graphs when the browser which opens them is not logged into enebular.

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