2.0.1 (March 1st, 2018)


  • Implemented a mechanism which displays a link to our "Privacy Policy" and requires the user to agree to it when either first registering, logging in for the first time after this release, or using the inquiry form on enebular. It will now not be possible to use enebular if the "Privacy Policy" is not agreed to.


  • Fixed an issue where the entered "Description" would not be saved during InfoType registration.
  • Fixed an issue where a milkcocoa or apigateway DataSource could be registered even if some required information was omitted.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete a created DataSource.
  • Fixed an issue where installed nodes would disappear when deploying.
  • Fixed an issue preventing nodes and lines being deleted with the delete key in the Flow editor.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to share a flow with other users.
  • Fixed an issue where the License Manager would not be displayed for paid plan users.
  • Fixed an issue where the Note Editor would not open when attempting to reopen or refresh it.

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